• Elly Yanuarti Institut Sains dan Bisnis Atma Luhur


The Village Development Planning Meeting (Musrenbangdes) is one of the annual activities carried out by Pagarawan Village. The current system has not yet digitized the administrative process of implementing musrengbangdes. The submission of activity proposals by community members is still done manually using handwriting on a piece of paper. All processes are still paper-based, making them less effective and efficient. In the current era, web technology should be utilized to improve services to the community. This research will develop a web-based system to accelerate the process of village development planning administration services. The analysis and design method used is object oriented method with UML diagram tools. The system development method uses Rapid Application Development (RAD). The web-based system is developed in accordance with the needs and provides easy access for the community in Pagarawan Village.


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How to Cite
YANUARTI, Elly. SISTEM BERBASIS WEB DALAM MENDUKUNG PROSES MUSYAWARAH PERENCANAAN PEMBANGUNAN DESA. Jurnal Tekinkom (Teknik Informasi dan Komputer), [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2, dec. 2024. ISSN 2621-3079. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 17 jan. 2025. doi: