Customers are one of the important assets in business ventures, every company competes to attract customers by various means of promoting the products they sell. It turns out by focusing on the product it cannot attract customers, therefore the company changed its method to become customer-oriented. Looking for information about products that are in high demand by customers can attract customers to remain loyal to the products sell. To find out whether customers are loyal or not from each visit, you can use a classification algorithm, namely Naïve Bayes. The Naïve Bayes algorithm is one of the best algorithms for classification because it can help find hidden data models during data analysis. This research tries to analyze the dataset of customers who buy Starbucks, to find out which customers are loyal to purchasing their products. The results of this research have an accuracy value of 87%, a precision value of 90% and a recall of 95%, which means that this classification has good performance.
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