This study uses the K-Means clustering algorithm to identify the sleep patterns of generation Z (Gen-Z) and the factors that affect their sleep quality. Data were collected from a number of Gen-Z participants, including sleep duration, frequency of difficulty sleeping, feeling refreshed after waking up, caffeine consumption, use of electronic devices, frequency of exercise, as well as symptoms such as restlessness, daytime sleepiness, and difficulty concentrating. The clustering results showed that there were several different sleep patterns among Gen-Z, which were influenced by the use of electronic devices before bedtime, caffeine consumption, and exercise habits. It was found that excessive use of technology, caffeine consumption, and lack of physical activity were associated with poorer sleep quality among Gen-Z. These results emphasize the importance of lifestyle factors in influencing sleep quality and provide a basis for more effective interventions. This research contributes to the development of more relevant health policies to improve the sleep quality and well-being of Gen-Z.
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