• Yakub Anuyuta Zebua Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Daniel Ryan Hamonangan Sitompul Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Stiven Hamonangan Sinurat Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Andreas Situmorang Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Ruben Ruben Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Dennis Jusuf Ziegel Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Evta Indra Universitas Prima Indonesia


With so many airlines competing with each other, airlines are competing to become the consumer/market's main choice, but to achieve this, there is no airline strategy that can predict the price of airline tickets according to market needs. To meet the needs of airlines, we need a way to determine the price of airline tickets according to market needs with the help of the influence of technology and information. This research method was carried out using Google Collaboratory as a media to create a data model automated machine learning (AutoML) with the Random Forest, Logistic Regression and Gradient Boosting Regressor algorithms. In this study, the model that produced the highest R2 value and the lowest RMSE was a random forest with an R2 value of 83.91% and an RMSE of $175.9. However, from the three models, Random Forest got a change in accuracy of 1.96% to 85.87. To assist in predicting the determination of flight fares, airline companies can more easily and be alert to determine flight fares that are in accordance with the market. Therefore, Random Forest can be declared better than Logistic Regression and Gradient Boosting models. The Random Forest model that has been created can be used to predict in real-time using Machine Learning.


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How to Cite
ZEBUA, Yakub Anuyuta et al. PREDIKSI PENETAPAN TARIF PENERBANGAN MENGGUNAKAN AUTO-ML DENGAN ALGORITMA RANDOM FOREST. Jurnal Tekinkom (Teknik Informasi dan Komputer), [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 115-122, june 2022. ISSN 2621-3079. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 16 apr. 2024. doi: